Well, here it is. My first blog post. Believe it or not, I have been writing and rewriting this post in my head over the last several years. Yep, you read that right. YEARS.
I remember the day that the thought of blogging pressed itself onto my heart. It came as a very subtle poke, just a small bite of food for thought. But it was enough to get me hooked. For a while there, I tried to analyze the idea from every angle – Is this an idea I should take seriously? Is this desire from the Lord or is it selfish ambition? Would it be wise use of my time? How in the world would I prioritize and balance being a wife, having regular devotion time, raising four children, home-schooling, cooking, cleaning, shopping, laundry, and all the other hundreds of tasks that loom over my head on a regular basis? There just never seems to be enough time in the day for everything that needs tending to!
But the constant gentle prodding persisted. The Parable of the Talents kept coming to mind. You can find it in Matthew 25:14-30. The gist is this: If you are a child of God, the Lord has given you specific talents and gifts. Those gifts differ from person to person, but His will does not change. He desires for us to use those gifts in order to build up His kingdom while we’re still here on earth. Don’t go hiding them. Notice them. Embrace them. Let them be your guide in sparking creative ways to fulfill Jesus’ great commission to His followers: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” (Matthew 28:19-20)
Once I realized that this commission is not just for “the missionaries” (you know, “the real ones” that leave their comfortable homes and travel to far off lands to plant new churches), I could not ignore the prodding any longer. It all started to make sense. I’m not excluded from Jesus’ call to spread the Good News. And the constant nudging toward writing? That was God’s gentle voice through the Holy Spirit, working to push me out of my comfort zone in order to accomplish His great work. Aha! Blogging would be my way to proclaim His gospel, just as He commanded. After all, He is the one who gifted me with a love for words and He is the one who placed a very specific desire on my heart and continued to patiently cultivate that desire, despite my stubbornness and fleeing. He was so persistent. Even when I ran from Him like Jonah did from the Ninevites, He was faithful and did not give up on me. And guess what? In due time, because His plans are not my own, and because He has promised to complete the work that He has started in me (Philippians 1:6) regardless of the fights that I might put up, He gave me the push I needed to open up my laptop and just WRITE.
I don’t know what lies ahead and will become of this blog, but what I do know is that it is only fitting that I do what I can to respond in obedience to the Lord now. Will you pray for me, dear friends? I want to do this right. Not for my own glory, but for His alone.
So encouraged by your desire to please the Lord through your writing and looking forward to reading every post! Praying for you❤️
Thank you, sweet Olya!